Sterling Studios
Tel 020 8453 9360        Fax 020 8453 9379
  • Sample No 4576




Even the Incas didn't always use solid gold! Gilding is the aplication of metal leaf (precious or otherwise) to a suitably prepared background. We have been restoring antique water and oil gilded furniture and lacquer for many years and can reproduce authentic gilding on frames, furniture and in rooms as well as making new pieces of sharp, contemporary gilding. Recently there have been more choices in the colours of gold available and we have had a lot of fun using combinations of colour and texture to create some new treatments for gilding, on furniture and glass as well as in rooms and on wallpaper and leather.
water gilding on wooden mouldings
water gilding on wooden mouldings
transfer leaf oil gilding
transfer leaf oil gilding
transfer leaf oil gilding
transfer leaf oil gilding
transfer leaf oil gilding
transfer leaf oil gilding